*Full Name _______________________________________________________________________
*Company _______________________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________________________
City _________________________________________ State __________ Zip Code ____________
Telephone ____________________________________ E-mail ______________________________
*Citizenship _____________________ *Date of Birth _________________ *SSN _______________
* Items required to get US Government clearance for the LANSCE tour
REGISTRATION FEE: $200 (until Nov. 21) or $250 (after Nov 21).
Please make your check payable to Hytec, Inc. (sorry, no credit cards).
(fee includes printed materials, conference banquet (open bar), two catered lunches and coffee breaks)
For further information, or if you wish to demonstrate a RS measurement technique, contact:
Mike Steinzig, HYTEC Inc., 110 Eastgate Drive, Los Alamos, NM 87544
Tel: 1 (505) 661-3000 x30. Fax: (505) 662-5179. E-mail: steinzig@hytecinc.com